Mindset Mastery that will have you believing that anything is possible.

Enrol Now Just £97

The is the *very* first thing I absolutely require ALL of my premium clients to do before they do anything else in their business.

Before we talk strategy. Before we talk offers and pricing. Before we take ANY action. Before you make one more move in your business you NEED to listen to this.


Because it will change your entire business. It will explode what you think is possible for you IN your business AND how you show up in your business for the rest of your life. 

It’s THAT important 

Because NOTHING is more important than a mind that tells you that you are capable of anything. It’s what sets the most successful coaches and entrepreneurs apart and why they make business look easy (even when it’s not!) 

Those who have cracked the success code know that your thoughts can keep you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster and they are sneaky! Untrained they can keep you stuck in a cycle of belief and doubt BUT tamed they can support you in becoming the most confident, self compassionate, successful and wealthy version of yourself that you’ve ever been. 

But don’t just take my word for it. I’ve helped hundreds of people master their minds and make life altering shifts in their businesses AND their lives.

Client LOVE

I am lucky to be working with some of the most ambitious, deeply serving and audacious entreprenuers & coaches on the plant. Their words mean a lot to me so I wanted to let you hear it from them, not me, about what's it like to work with me.

"I've worked with countless coaches and invested thousands of pounds trying to work on my mind and nothing has worked until working with you. I don't know what you've done to me but I've been changed forever."

- Gemma- Entrepreneur

"I've just delivered my biggest project in my career and I haven't even broken a sweat. Working like this feels absolutely audacious but I am ready for more and in fact I've decided that I will be working with you for the rest of my career. Let's have even more fun!"

- Liz- Executive Director

"*24 hours after a 90 minute power session* My first lady signed for 3 months!! Honestly your calm and guidance were a key part in me nailing this so thank you! *After 72 hours* I've done 3 discovery calls since our call and all of them have said YES!"

- Abigail- Coach

You don’t have to spend 15k on a six figure coach to master your mindset.

Be honest with me…

Did you think that being an entrepreneur would be easier? Does it sometimes feel relentless? 

And be even more honest with me… 

Are your own negative thoughts and the stories you tell yourself part of the problem? Do you drive yourself crazy with thoughts that are just not helpful!? 

Do they stop you from showing up? 

Do they make you question yourself, your abilities even though you KNOW you were meant to do this?

Do they make you over analyze everything? Every post, every offer, every client call? Even every time you take a well deserved break? Does every BOLD step that you know you are ready to take falter from thoughts that make you doubt yourself? 

If you answered YES to any of these then it’s time for it to stop. It’s not only costing you money it’s costing you your peace AND your potential for growth.

Successful coaches and experts understand they only have one option if they want to build their dream business.

They can either...

Let negative thoughts run wild, leading to self-doubt, procrastination, and uncertainty.

Cultivate daily thoughts that foster confidence, calmness, self-compassion, success, and wealth.

You know the saying ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’ well the same goes for business. No strategy will work if your mind isn’t in check. Want to know how to achieve option 2?

My clients who work with The Audacious Mind for just 21 days (some within one listen!) are changed forever, going on to have record revenue earning months, feeling completely at ease and having so much more fun

Choose The Audacious Mind for yourself and the impact on your business will be BIG: Why do extra work when you could be growing your business? Through our tested process, we’ll help you find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end.

☑️ You’ll immediately rewire your brain to eliminate ANY self doubt or self sabotaging thoughts that are holding you back This is not a templated approach. We know every single buisness and client is unique. We’ll work with you to explore, research and understand your business.

☑️ You’ll feel an immediate shift in the actions you take and your dream clients will feel it too in the way that you show up

☑️ You will start thinking, acting, behaving, making decisions like the version of you who already has what you most desire 

☑️ That next level that you have been using strategy to get to will suddenly feel within reach and you will have let go of anything in your way

☑️ Your thoughts will no longer be in charge making you doubt yourself or running you towards burnout

It will feel like MAGIC And all you have done is to finally tame your thoughts. They’ve become the confidant, the business partner, the best friend and the motivator you have always wanted. Calm, reassuring, compassionate, driven and fully on your side.

With just ONE decision you are about to unlock the most bold and expansive version of you AND your business.

I have to warn you. The Audacious Mind might just have you believing you are capable of anything


All it takes is a few powerful shifts in your mind and thoughts that will create a powerful new inner world and external results. Landing dream clients. Getting visible with ease. Growth from flow not force. No more playing small. No more being hard on yourself.No more self judgement. 


You have been ready for this for some time and with The Audacious Mind you will now have the tools to access it for life!

Hey, have we met?
Debbie Edwards: Business Mentor & Mindset Coach

I’ve spent the last 7+ years working closely with coaches, CEO’s and expert owners on their business growth strategies and I created The Flow Method because I had a personal epiphany! 

With a 30 year career as a growth and marketing specialist I had seen my fair share of success AND failures (including my own) and I realised from helping people get to 7 + 8 figures that there was something that propelled some faster than others towards success.


And that is that no amount of strategy.No amount of growth. No amount of future visioning works if we don’t start with the MOST VITAL part of the success puzzle - getting your mind to BELIEVE that your dreams are available to you AND that YOU are the one, the only one, who can bring that to life. Without sacrificing your whole life to get it. 

With my unique protocols and tools my clients were making simple shifts that had a BIG impact on growth BUT it felt easier. Their thoughts started working FOR them not AGAINST them. The struggle had gone. The belief that they had to ‘work harder’ if they wanted more had gone. 

Challenges suddenly didn’t phase them. They stopped hustling and over-working. They started enjoying their businesses in a way they hadn’t fully before. It became fun, playful, and lighter. They were doing less and earning more.

Introducing The Audacious Mind

Instant Access to everything when you enrol today:

You’ll gain lifetime access to: 

7 powerful audio training sessions designed to rewire your thoughts for success. 

Each session rewiring your thoughts for the success you desire: 

  • Eliminate Self-Sabotaging Thoughts: Rewire your brain to eliminate any thoughts that are holding you back from success. 
  • Unleash an Unstoppable Strategy: Unlock your brain’s potential to offer innovative and strategic actions for unstoppable growth. 
  • Boost Self-Confidence: Cultivate unwavering inner confidence to back yourself every single day. 
  • Achieve Clarity and Calm: Face your business challenges with a clear mind and a calm nervous system knowing that you are capable of handling anything. 
  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: Understand that achieving more doesn’t mean constantly doing more. Discover the secret to working smarter, not harder.(No, really ) 

The reason it’s delivered in audio? Is because there are sneaky little neuroscience based methods that have been designed to rewire your mind without it feeling like hard work. And also because one of my values is FREEDOM so it’s built for you to access whenever, wherever. Believe me. When this is consumed through your ears not from being stuck in front of a screen the transformation is potent!

Enrol Now

And that’s not all...

My clients have experienced phenomenal transformations:

“Before I had access to the flow method, the best way to describe my mind/thoughts is probably chaos (which I'm very used to). I thought that the best way for me to hit high performance was to work relentlessly, which meant that my mind wasn't ever able to switch off. It felt like I was running 10 marathons a day mentally, and I was exhausted. I knew the life I wanted, and I had an idea of the business I wanted, but for me the key thing was not knowing what I needed to help me to get there. Now I'm not as reactive to my thoughts, and I have a lot less urgency in the way I go about my work and my life, which is quite unusual for me because urgency seemed to be what I thought was my default state. But I was wrong! I am able to gently observe my own thoughts, without taking immediate action on them. The fact and feeling rooms have had a huge impact on me. It feels so simple to be able to drop into the fact room, but for someone who has spent so much time in the feeling room, it's been a game changer for me.”

“The Flow Method has helped me to truly know and understand myself in my life AND my business. I know I'm resilient, I know I'm resourceful, and I know I will always get back up when I'm knocked down. Knowing those things and appreciating those traits in myself has helped me to set what feels like a really powerful foundation for me and for my business.”

“When I do have moments of self doubt, I do ask myself the question 'how can I love myself more deeply today?' and although I've only just started to do that, it has made a big difference.I’ve stopped being so hard on myself which has opened up a whole new way of motivating me in my business”

“I speak to a lot of other people who are either starting their journey or running their own businesses, and they have said that the way I approach and think about things is very different. This is entirely due to The Flow Method (and I always direct them to you!) I have wanted to run my own business for most of my life. Because of my thoughts and the emotions and behaviours they would generate I never ever thought that would be possible because every time I tried I would find myself spiralling from the hustle. You've helped me overcome that and very quickly turn my dream into a reality.”