Unlock the secrets to a profitable, easeful business and a freedom filled life. 

Picture this....

You finally you have a thriving business alongside your BIG life that you desire whether that looks like generating 50k months, taking the summer off or simply having the freedom to choose what, when, who or how you work. You have a solid strategy, a calm mind and are building an easeful scalable business AND you are working with dream clients on repeat who can’t stop raving about you.

AND THE BEST PART? None of it comes at a cost to your wellbeing or the things that matter to you most.

This is ALL possible. Let me show you how.


I remember when I first started my coaching business, I didn’t believe I could build it into the company I dreamed of without working harder and harder to get there. (Thank you old corporate mindset!) but I made a few changes (hello, Flow Method) that transformed everything. 

Imagine what it would feel like…

- You finally have a freedom based business and create sales with ease because you have rewired your brain and told it EXACTLY what's possible for you.

- You are working with higher level clients that light you up and refer you to others just like them and it feels joyful

- You are making powerful moves with more clarity and certainty than you’ve ever had

- You’ve stopped doubting that this is possible and are landing bigger clients and projects because of it

This is for you if...

  • You want to finally break through those sub-conscious limitations that keep sneaking up on you JUST as you are ready to make big moves.

  • You want a proven strategy and a simple business blueprint that sets you up to scale with ease. No more complex systems that rob you of your joy.

  • You are sick of questioning will this work (even though you have seen some success) and want certainty with a method that brings total transformation forever NOT just for the duration of the program.

  • You want to shine and let your expertise and talent loose on the world. No more hiding because being the world's best kept secret isn’t cutting it anymore.

I’ve already seen how this works so let me tell you a story about my client.

Just six weeks ago, my client told me she couldn't see any way to leave her unfulfilling job and go all in on her business. She nearly backed out of it all until she joined The Modern CEO and I sent her The Flow Method. The exact framework designed to power up your thoughts so you can see rapid transformation.

  • She has now resigned from her job (in 6 weeks not 6 months)
  • Landed 15k in sales for her new business (replacing her old salary in a week)
  • Has nine more big opportunities that would have just sat on her desk

All I did was get her to work with her mind, help her to master her thoughts and see what was right in front of her. 

She hasn’t increased her working hours 

She hasn’t been dancing in her kitchen for instagram hoping to get ‘found’

She didn’t overthink her actions but kept it simple and direct

She decided to PLAY as part of her strategy because business doesn’t have to be so serious

Her business. Her life. Her rules.

Introducing The Modern CEO 

The growth and success framework for talented solopreneurs and experts to scale their glorious businesses with ease and freedom without sacrificing any of their well being and also not compromising on their biggest and boldest dreams. 

What to expect inside this program:

  • instant access to my unique protocol, The Flow Method to reframe your thoughts and generate instant growth 
  • 6 months of group coaching with me 3 x 90 min sessions per month (1 integration week)
  • Two guest coaching sessions per month with a visibility and content coach and business operations and tech expert
  • A series of potent trainings around strategy, sales and mindset so that you can start to grow your business with more ease and freedom 
  • A structured curriculum starting with The Flow method, Moving to my WOYDRN Accelerated Sales Strategy backed by a unique 90 day Impact Framework and more.. 

Just stop for a moment and imagine where you will be six months from now if you join me..

  • You have implemented everything I teach inside The Modern CEO.
  • The Modern CEO Protocol alone has transformed your entire life.
  • You are working with more dream clients who bring you so much joy and
  • You have the tools to scale with simplicity and ease. You have NEVER felt so free.

There are two ways for you to access The Modern CEO Program

Pay in FULL

£3000 (Special Bonus £500 off for first 5 sign Ups)

Pay in Installments

6 x £500 pm (Special Bonus £500 off for first 5 sign Ups)

Hey, have we met?

I'm Deb,

A mum of two, novice vegetable grower and believer in the potential of every human being that I work with. I'm also a strategist, a growth specialist, and high performance coach working with ambitious and talented solopreneurs, coaches & experts.

I built countless businesses from the HARD WORK = SUCCESS method and whilst I saw success I never felt at ease or deeply fulfilled until now.

Which is why my mission is to help my clients build successful, fulfilling businesses earning more whilst doing less because business was NEVER designed to be so hard.